Nurses Salute

By: Sherrie Dulworth

Careers for nurses include a multitude of opportunities, roles, and settings where nurses have made and continue to make contributions to our greater society.

Fun fact: Most people know Florence Nightingale as the founder of modern nursing, but did you know she also had talented mathematical and data analytics skills, making her a pioneer not only in the field of nursing but also early clinical informatics?

Throughout history, nurses have often been reformers, innovators, and advocates working to improve the lives of others.

Throughout history, nurses have often been reformers, innovators, and advocates working to improve the lives of others.

Some, like Nightingale, are primarily recognized for their work in nursing. Others are better known for other works but also served as nurses--Walt Whitman, Mary Jane Cannary, and Isabella Baumfree to name a few. Famous writer-poet Whitman cared for wounded Civil War soldier. Cannary, AKA Calamity Jane, nursed a group of small pox victims on the frontier.Baumfree changed her name to Sojourner Truth and became an advocate for race and gender rights, and she also served as a nurse for the Union Party.

Whether through offering care and comfort to sick individuals and families or solving problems on a public/population health level, the nursing profession excels at making the world a better place.

The HealthSearch Group sends our appreciation to our nursing colleagues everywhere.